Year Two
The Year Two Crew
Our Vision
Parent Information Presentation
Assessment in Year 2 2024
In Year 2 we use KIPs (Key Performance Indicators) based on the Year 2 curriculum to make a teacher assessment of attainment in the core subjects at the end Key Stage 1.
KPIs & Pupil Narrative Year 2 2024
Parent Information
This year we will be continuing to use Tapestry in Year 2. We will use it to communicate with parents any year group messages, as well as some of the children's learning in class. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you need any assistance to access Tapestry.
Our Curriculum Learning Journey
Spring 1
Spring 1
Our topic theme is ‘Transport. This is exciting theme that thinks about how we can be transported in stories, how objects move and making our own moving car! Other curriculum areas follow their Hampshire sequence models. We shall be developing our oracy skills across all curriculum areas.
Above is the topic overview explaining what we will be looking at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all subjects we are using some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions for Spring 1:
Science: How can you make a marble move a long way?
Design & Technology: What are the main things to remember when making a moving vehicle?
Music: How can you make a sound effect for a castle door?
Computing: How can I tell a Beebot what I would like it to do next?
R.E: Why is God important to Christian’s and Sikh’s?
PHSE: What is the importance of belonging and feeling valued?
Art: TBC
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
Texts we are using
Topic Overview
Autumn 2
Great Discoveries
Our last topic of 2024 is Great Discoveries. There are many strands to this topic using our core and foundation subjects from historic discoveries, making discoveries in the school grounds, religious stories of discovery plus the discovery of a big egg!
Above is the topic overview explaining what we were looking at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all foundation subjects and science we are using some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions for Autumn 2:
Science: Can animals live anywhere?
Art: Would you prefer an artist to use just paint or paint and ink to make a Christmas Card?
Computing: How can I show my ideas through images and text?
Geography: Would it be fun to live in the North or South Pole? .
PHSE: Is everyone the same?
R.E: If you had to light a candle to remember something or someone special who or what would it be for?
Music: Do our Christmas songs have a fast or slow steady beat?
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
We are using several key texts in English to explore the topic.
We have lots of events to celebrate with Colin the Cultural Crab
Remembrance, Odd Socks Day, Anti bullying week, Children in Need, Nursery Rhyme week, a walk in the local area to look at microhabitats, Pantomime, Christmas production, a visit to St Paul’s Church for a Christmas service and Christmas Lunch in school.
Autumn 1
Super Sarisbury!
We start our year with an exciting topic theme close to hand ‘Super Sarisbury’. The theme thinks about relationships in schools, our school including its history, local area links and communicating with teachers.
Above is the topic overview explaining what we looked at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all foundation subjects and science we used some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions and answers from the children for Autumn 1:
Science: Can you use any material to clear up spilt liquid?
Art: How could you make a green coil pot?
Computing: Do computers work on their own outside of the classroom?
History: Has Sarisbury Infant School changed?
Music: Do all songs have the same structure?
PHSE: Should you be friends with anyone?
R.E: Are all books special?
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
Texts we used to stimulate our learning
Our CREW characters in the curriculum.
We completed lots of work as part of our Cultural Capital
During the topic we went on a local history & seasonal science walk in the local area, celebrated National Poetry Day, family reading and voted for our class treat.
We used Harri Heart and our SMSC characters to help enrich our learning.
SMSC in the curriculum.
Welcome to Year 2 Presentation
Please follow the link to a PowerPoint presentation for information about Year 2 2023-24.
Year 2 2023-34
Our Curriculum Learning Journey
Summer 2
Going for Gold!
Summer 2
Our topic theme for this Summer term is ‘Going for Gold'. We will be using the upcoming sporting events of the football Euros and Olympics and their themes of resilience and enthusiasm. This is a busy time in Year 2 as we are also heading to the beach, getting Strawberry fayre ready and completing our transition activities with local Junior Schools. Towards the end of the half term we will be getting 'leaver ready' with our assembly, leaver's church service, lunch and fun filled days to celebrate going for gold at Sarisbury Infant School. Other curriculum areas will follow their Hampshire or planning sequence models.
Above is the topic overview explaining what we will be looking at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all subjects we are using some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions for Summer 2:
Science: Will you live forever?
Art: How can you get your design onto fabric?
R.E: How does change effect us?
Geography- Is the UK a lot like Japan ?
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
Summer 1
Through The Door
Summer 1
Our topic theme for this Summer term is ‘Through The Door'. We will be innovating a familiar fantasy story and including a new Tops and Tails character that children will design and create! Other curriculum areas follow their Hampshire sequence models.
Above is the topic overview explaining what we will be looking at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all subjects we are using some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions for Summer 1:
Science: Can we survive without plants?
Design & Technology: How can I join two materials to make a puppet?
Music: How can you make a new tune for Wispy Willow?
R.E: Why are special clothes important to Sikhs?
Computing: How can you use a computer to make a picture?
PHSE: How can you keep your mind and body safe?
Geography- How can I give Wondering Walter directions to the Junior School?
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
Spring 2
Flaming Fire
Spring 2
Our topic theme is Flaming Fire. This is an engaging theme that thinks about the causes and consequences of the Great Fire of London, materials used for house design and how our capital city of London compares to a local city. We shall also be looking at the cultural events this half term including World Book Day, Science Week and Easter. Other curriculum areas follow their Hampshire sequence models
Above is the topic overview explaining what we will be looking at in each of the curriculum areas.
Across all subjects we are using some ‘big questions’ to help children demonstrate their developing knowledge and learning in each subject.
Our Big Questions for Spring 2:
Science: Can you make a house out of anything?
History: Could the Great Fire of London happen today?
Geography: What are the similarities and differences between London and Portsmouth?
Art: How is your art work like Vincent Van Gogh’s?
Music: How can you tell the story of the GFL through music?
Computing: How can you sort data about the classes favourite pictures?
R.E: How do Christians feel at Easter?
PHSE: Can you spend money on anything you want
We will be encouraging children to use a ‘knowledge builder’ to let them know about their learning and highlight their key vocabulary.
Topic Overview
Texts we are using
Texts we are using
During the topic we showed our CREW character skills.
We were a Caring Carla, Resilient Rosa, Enthusiastic Eddie and Wondering Walter
Our Curriculum Learning Journey
Topic Overview
Texts we are using
We have lots of events to celebrate with Colin the Cultural Crab
including Safer Internet Day, RSPB Big Bird Watch, Chinese New Year and World Religion Day.
We have lots of events to celebrate with Colin the Cultural Crab
Mapping/Geography Day, Coronation Day at school, Harri Heart-Stay Safe, Speak Out, Family reading afternoon, Book assemblies and Share a story month, Family picnic.