At Sarisbury, we ensure that we work closely with our local pre-schools to ensure that we are very familiar with any new children that will be joining our school. Here are some of the ways that we try to do this.
- We invite pre-schools to visit us at Sarisbury during the summer term so that the children can become familiar with the classrooms and outside areas
- We visit pre-schools in the spring and summer term to liaise with the teams to get as much information about the individual children as possible ready for September
- We arrange extra meetings for transition for those children that need it with school staff, SENCO, parents and also the keyworker at pre-school where possible
- We provide pre-schools with social stories, uniforms and book bags for role play so that the children can become more familiar with our school
- We invite pre-schools back into school during the autumn term so that they can see how their children have settled
- We invite pre-schools into school to attend any workshops that we hold
- We invite local pre-schools to watch our Christmas play