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Sarisbury Infant School

Sailing the Seas to Success

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Sarisbury Infant School

Pupil Premium

Please see our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024 above for a breakdown of priorities, implementation, spending and impact.  The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024 Dec 2021 (Part B), outlines the 2020-2021 academic year impact on attainment for the most disadvantaged.  The Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2024 Review December 2022 (Part B), outlines the 2021-2022 academic year impact on attainment for the most disadvantaged.


Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to help us improve and sustain higher attainment for disadvantaged pupils at our school that is comparable with that of non-disadvantaged pupils nationally.


At Sarisbury Infant School, we consider the challenges faced by any child we identify as vulnerable, in addition to those identified in the disadvantaged group.  As such, the provision we have outlined in this statement is intended to support the needs of all those recognised, and is underpinned by the core principles identified in our Golden Anchors of Inclusion


The Sarisbury Infant School Golden Anchors of Inclusion

  • A commitment to the development of the personal, social and emotional skills of every individual is at the heart of our ethos, irrespective of need, prior attainment, background, or circumstance. 
  • Equity of access and future life chances; benefiting from a breadth of experience and the cultural capital. Adjustments are made for those who need something more or something different in order to realise this ambition.
  • A strong commitment to personalised provision, through early identification, assessment and meaningful intervention to removes potential barriers to success.
  • An enjoyable and memorable childhood for all; resulting in children who are well placed to have successful and fulfilling lives, with economic prosperity, good physical and mental health.
  • Access for every child to suitable, yet ambitious high quality provision, which meets diverse need and diminishes barriers to participation and engagement, in preparation for their next stage of education.
  • A strong commitment to working in partnership with families and other professionals to achieve the best possible outcomes for children.