Sarisbury Infant School prides itself on its inclusive approach, and the Governing Body has ensured that an appropriate range of policies has been in place to guide the work of staff and volunteers in this area. The Equality Act of 2010, through the Public Sector Equality Duty, requires the school to have due regard to promote disability, race and gender equality and to produce a single policy and action plan.
This is intended to ensure that every child and every adult in the school community:
· is treated fairly
· is valued as an individual
· is able to participate to the full whilst at school, and
· is encouraged to aspire, and helped to achieve.
Equality Objectives 2023-2026
- Identify the proportion of children in the school population with protected characteristics, and identify disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Report annually on current school population in the Autumn term, and publish data by 30 March each year.
- Regularly monitor the progress and performance of children in disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, and those with protected characteristics. Report annually in Spring term, and publish data by 30 July each year.
- Record consideration of equality when considering and adopting new policies, publishing a summary by 30 July each year.
- Monitor the diversity of school staff and governors, comparing against local population and/or sector averages. Report in Summer term 2024.
- Work with Parent Crew to consider mechanisms for parental donations which are inclusive and reflect the broader diversity of the School’s children and their families. Report at end of Summer term 2024. This has been considered and is complete, July 2024.
- Consider, trial and monitor new approaches to improve equity of access to school events for children and their families, resulting in an overall improvement in those able to attend the events they wished to in 2024/25, compared to 2022/23 data. Report in Autumn term 2025.
- Monitor equality, diversity and inclusion in the delivery of the curriculum, encouraging inclusivity without stereotyping and bias, and the sharing of best practice. Report in Autumn term 2026.