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Sarisbury Infant School

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Sarisbury Infant School


Attendance Procedures for lateness and illness

Attendance Guidance

Is your child too poorly for school?  New advice will help you decide  


It is always a worry when a child becomes unwell, but it is not always obvious how to care for them and whether you should keep them at home. You can now find handy NHS guidance in one place online that will help you identify a possible condition, so you can decide whether to send your child to school. On the website is a list of common childhood illnesses and conditions from conjunctivitis to head lice, as well as symptoms such as a high temperature and a sore throat and what these might mean. There is advice about what to do and when a child should return to education after being treated.    


Please download the Healthier Together app or click here to visit the website website.


If you are unsure about a child’s wellbeing, please talk to your local pharmacist, call the NHS helpline on 111, or contact your GP.  

Think Pharmacy First!


This is a new service which enables patients to be referred to, or walk into, a community pharmacy for a minor illness or an urgent medicine supply.

The new service was launched in January 2024 and enables community pharmacies to provide treatment for common medical conditions. There are five conditions that commonly affect children that are included in this service.


To find our more information about Pharmacy First please click here