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Sarisbury Infant School

Sailing the Seas to Success

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Sarisbury Infant School


Upcoming Events

Colin the Cultural Crab will be helping involve children in national events that spark their scientific curiosity and learning.


RSPB Big School Bird Watch & Big Garden Watch

Children in school will be out using binoculars to spot birds in the school grounds. We shall be sending our school results to the RSPB by 20th February 2025. Walter wonders which birds we will find?  We shall be using the RSPB bird spotter to help us! We encourage children to take part in the Big Garden Watch 24th-25th January

Science Day 2025. We are celebrating 'Science Day' in March as part of the National Science 7-16th March week using the theme 'Change & Adapt'. During the day children will use their current topic focus to make science based connections. From learning about how what we wear can be adapted to be seen at night to thinking about changing what is in a lunch box to include less waste. It will be an inspiring day!

Final Straw Foundation: We have worked with the fantastic team at Final Straw Foundation over the years. We have completed activities to turn plastic waste into art and listened to assemblies on how to reduce plastic waste. Year 2 have been lucky enough to go on a Beach School trip led by the Foundation in Hill Head. We are keen to get involved with a local beach clean to help with our local environment. 


At Sarisbury Infant School we encourage all children to become ‘Wondering Walters’ as they develop their scientific thinking from reception onwards. Sarisbury Infant school has wonderful school grounds and ‘hands-on’ classrooms that allow children to develop in an environment, which is rich with scientific opportunities.


Reception EYFS

Children in reception explore early scientific concepts through using their local environment in the school grounds and through sharing stories and hands on experiences related to their topic. They are encouraged to create, make observations and draw pictures of local plants and animals. Children begin to learn the language and explore some of the key ideas ready for Key Stage One science.



Science Reception

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Key Stage 1

The science national curriculum program of study is taught throughout key stage 1 using the Hampshire planning model of Learning Journeys. This introduces children to their scientific understanding using a ‘key idea’ which teachers integrate into their topic based learning using a Big Question.


Key Stage 1 Key Ideas






Animals (inc humans)





Variation & Evolution


Organisms & their habitats


Describing materials

Changing materials


Teachers aim to make science learning as exciting and relevant as possible using topics to hook the children into their learning. This could be anything from English traditional tales, such as Jack and the Beanstalk to investigate if plants can grow from any bean, though to more science based topics such as pet and pretending to be vets to give advice on how an overweight dog might become healthier.


In addition to the resources in the environment children are encouraged to use practical resources to help them measure, magnify, photograph, collect and sort.

To gain scientific knowledge children also use a variety of secondary resources. These include books from our extensive library, iPads and computers as well as  experts who come in to further enhance their learning. Children are taught specific subject vocabulary to explain their thinking.


Scientific Enquiry

Children are encouraged to apply their science knowledge through their own scientific enquiry. This may start with them setting out to answer their own question within a topic: I wonder why Polar Bears do not live in Holly Hill? Or a Teacher led question: Which of these materials would be the best to make a jacket to keep a teddy bear dry? Why? These enquiries are carried out using practical activities and children are asked to start noticing patterns and differences to help explain their thinking. As they progress through the school they will begin to record their observations and try to explain what they found out.

Health & Safety

Harri Heart gets children thinking about staying safe when working scientifically. As part of their science learning they are encouraged to offer their own ideas about precautions and safe handling of materials, animals and plants. 


Teachers use the Hampshire Safety in Science guidance and hazard cards when risk assessing science work. The school has a Science Health & Safety Policy and the science leader returns an annual science audit. 

Key Stage One Science

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Outdoor Learning

At Sarisbury Infant School, we use the outdoor school environment and the local environment to enhance science teaching and learning. Each year group has their own outdoor learning space with plants growing and insects living along with plenty of space for practical science exploration. Whilst Reception use the whole school grounds for learning Year 1 go to Holly Hill and Year 2 follow the Coldeast Trail to study the environment. Recent school trips have also included some science learning slightly further away including the Winchester Science Museum and Netley Shore,

Out of Classroom Science Learning

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Science Week 2022

Each year we have a week of science following the British Science Week theme. This year we used the theme of Growth for our own Get Set Grow week. We were lucky enough to have Emery Soft Fruits come into school to prepare lots of planting beds so that each child could plants and grow their own strawberry plant. They also taught the children about the growing process and life cycle of a strawberry plant. With kind donations of plants and seeds from the school community, Tescos, Stewarts and Garsons Garden Centres children we able to plant and explore the growth and structure of plants and flowers.

Science Week 2022

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Assessment & Tracking

In Reception progression of skills and knowledge are tracked through the Early Learning Goal of Understanding the World and the Natural world. Science is tracked through Key Stage One using the progression of skills ‘Big Question’ and summative assessments are based on the curriculum statements for each year group using KPIs (key performance indicators). Both subject knowledge and scientific thinking are tracked over the two years. Children working at the appropriate level are reported as being at ‘The Expected Standard’ in science for Key Stage One with children working with a deeper understanding and reasoning of science as 'Deepening' within the subject. Children who are 'emerging' within the subject are given appropriate support and activities to allow them to keep-up catch up. 




If you have a ‘Wondering Walter’ or an ‘Enthusiastic Eddie’ at home who likes to ask ‘why?’ you might like to try to the following places to provide further information and learning opportunities.


Click on the websites below to access free resources, activities and games to use with your child at home.