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Sarisbury Infant School

Sailing the Seas to Success

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Sarisbury Infant School


The national curriculum for Art aims to ensure that all pupils:


  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language or art, craft and design.
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.


World Art Days

On World Art Day over the last couple of years we have focused on specific artists including David Hockney and Joan Miro. We found out some facts about them and undertook a competition each year to recreate some artwork in their style. We had so many wonderful pieces of art work and had a tough challenge selecting 10 winners each year! Everyone received a certificate for taking part and our Parent CREW funded a prize for the ten pieces selected for our Art Gallery. 

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

At Sarisbury Infants, we pride ourselves on the art opportunities given to our children and it links across our learning in school, creatively linked to learning being focussed upon. It is clear from a look in any of our classrooms, the value we place on art! We provide extra-curricular Art clubs for KS1 children during and after school. We often plan in focus days or weeks for Art. We use this as an opportunity to invite artists into school to work with the children. We also have a 'School Gallery' where art work is celebrated for our school community to view!



We have previously have untaken a Magic of Colour focus week which culminated in a whole school Art Gallery for children and parents to enjoy. We have held an Art in Nature Day where we explored Art in our school environment and looked at a range of artists who use nature and natural objects as their inspiration. We used our Art skills as part of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a focus Art/History week. Children developed their drawing, printing and collaging skills.



In all year groups children explore a wide range of art mediums and techniques, whilst looking at the art work of different artists. Art skills are continually developed, enhanced across every year.



Year R

In Year R they explore drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, collage, textiles throughout their continuous provision time. The children also develop new skills linked to PLODs we are following. E.g textiles/designing pants for The Smartest Giant during our Julia Donaldson PLOD.


Year 1

In Year 1 they continue to build on a range of art skills during their Rainbow Challenge time. They also create sculptures with clay and focus on colour mixing and painting techniques linked to work of Claude Monet.


Year 2

In Year 2 drawing and sketching skills are developed further, along with evaluating artists’ work such as Joseph Turner and Paul Klee. Painting, sculpture and printing is explored through different approaches, e.g. Tudor house design during ‘The Great Fire of London’ topic.


Click on the websites below to access free resources, activities and games to use with your child at home.




 Harri Heart helps everyone to keep safe in Art. These include:


* Children knowing how to use art resources carefully, appropriately and safely.

* Staff ensuring that art supplies are appropriate for children and toxic free.

* Staff ensuring that artists and craftmakers selected are appropriate choices.

* The school ensuring that staff that come in to work with our children have the   apppropriate DBS level certificate.