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Sarisbury Infant School

Sailing the Seas to Success

School Logo

Sarisbury Infant School



Uniform options


School logo uniform is optional - non logo uniform can be purchased from any retailer


White or red polo shirt (school logo optional)

Grey trousers/ shorts/ skirt/pinafore

Red sweatshirt/ Red cardigan  (school logo optional)

Red checked dress (for summer)

Black shoes / sandals with a heel strap (summer)


PE Kit

Red or white T-shirt (school logo optional)

Black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms

Velcro trainers

Your child should wear a school jumper or cardigan on their top half.


Please ensure that all items of school clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Your child will wear PE kit to school on your class PE day.



All children are encouraged to wear a hat during the summer months. Children must wear one when out at play in hot weather. This must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.



Children are not allowed to wear items of jewellery to school. If a child has pierced ears, only small stud earrings may be worn. These must be removed or taped over for all PE sessions. We suggest that for the younger children this is done at home before coming to school on PE days. Watches may be worn to school but we cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss.


Other Information

Wellington boots are required for children in Year R please. 


In the Summer, please ensure you apply suncream on your child before they come to school. We aren't able to apply it for them and we want to ensure that we keep them safe in the hot weather. 


Where to buy school uniform


All items of school uniform are available from:


149, West Street


Tel: 01329 822509


or purchase online from their website. Please click on the following link Skoolkit




School uniform can also be ordered online by visiting Earth Uniform or scanning the QR Code below



Earth Uniform Leaflet

Pre-loved school uniform 

Please click on the following link to contact our Parent Crew about Pre-loved school uniform