Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Sarisbury Infant School
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Information Report
Sarisbury Infant School is a mainstream infant school where we maintain a focus on individual achievement within a whole school setting. The ethos of the school celebrates diversity and promotes self-belief. We are committed to providing an inclusive community to meet the needs of each of our pupils, by ensuring that children have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
What is our vision for children with SEND at Sarisbury Infant School?
At Sarisbury Infant School, we understand that every child is unique, and therefore, the educational needs of every child are individual. At Sarisbury, children with SEND will be provided with consistently high quality teaching which is adjusted and personalised to ensure the best possible outcomes for the individual, within a whole school, inclusive setting. We are committed to positive, open partnerships with parents / carers, whilst engaging other professionals in the process to ensure the very best understanding and provision for our children’s needs.
The ethos of the school celebrates diversity and promotes self-belief; whilst our curriculum and inclusion principles reflect the importance we place on laying the personal, social and emotional foundations for our learners. As a result, all children, including those children with SEND, feel safe, secure and happy with a strong sense of belonging amongst their peers. This essential starting point, alongside skilful use of assessment, differentiation, thoughtful task design and targeted intervention allows children with SEND to access a broad, ambitious and relevant curriculum that is appropriate to their age, ability and needs. Every teacher at Sarisbury is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND.
How does the school know if children need extra help?
Special Educational Needs provision is education that is
“additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age.”
(Revised draft Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 for 0-25)
Before a child starts at our school we
- listen to and gather information from parents
- liaise with pre-schools, schools, Area Inclusion Coordinators, SENCos, professionals e.g. Educational Psychology or Speech and Language Therapy and county advisory staff
For a child already in our school we
- monitor the progress and attainment of all children and respond to a child performing below expectations or experiencing barriers to their learning using a graduated response approach
- gather information through liaison with parents and respond to concerns
- carry out specific assessment
- respond to information received from professionals
- signpost parents to a range of support, professionals or services
What should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?
- Inform the school by talking to your child’s class teacher to share and discuss concerns
- Work together on the areas of identified concern, sharing information and ideas to work towards objectives
- Liaise with the class teacher and SENCo then attend review meetings to plan support
- Seek professional advice yourself or through the school then liaise and share information with school
How will I raise concerns if I need to?
Contact the school and speak to your child’s teacher, the SENCo, or a member of the senior management team. The school will assist you and will liaise with external agencies. You may always leave messages through the school office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
01489 5738008 adminoffice@sarisbury-inf.hants.sch.uk
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you support me to support my child’s learning?
Class teachers are responsible for the progress of all children in their class. Our SENCo oversees additional or different support and monitors the progress of children through meetings with class teachers and the senior leadership team half termly at Pupil Progress meetings.
Special Educational Needs provision can be considered under these four broad areas:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Mental and Emotional Health
- Sensory and/or Physical
The SENCo will liaise with class support staff, parents and professionals working with your child. The SENCo will report to Governors about the range of needs and share new information. The Designated Safeguarding Lead, the SENCo and all members of staff respect confidentiality and safeguarding concerns in school. School has regular contact with parents.
Who will oversee, plan, and work with my child and how often?
The SENCo oversees the range of support programmes in school. The class teacher and the year group team plan and organise support within the year group wherever possible. The SENCo and Senior Leadership Team allocate support staff to the year groups according to needs. The Learning Support Assistants liaise with the teachers and deliver regular intervention programmes. The frequency of programmes is discussed with parents and recorded on the Individual Education or Behaviour Management plan. These plans are reviewed at least termly with informal meetings and adjustments made during the term. Other communication is organised as appropriate to the individual child’s needs. E.g. additional phone calls or emails
Who will explain this to me?
The class teacher will meet with the parents at parents’ evenings at least termly. The class teacher may meet half termly with parents to discuss individual targets and progress. Liaison with support assistants takes place formally or informally at convenient times. Meetings with parents and professionals may be held at any time as needed. Further information can be requested informally. Please ask to speak to the appropriate member of staff through the school office.
How are the governors involved? What are their responsibilities?
The SENCo and the nominated governor meet at least every term to share information, discuss changes and review the progress of children with SEND (No individual child is named in these reports and meetings.). The governor reports at governor meetings and the SENCo presents an update to the governors every year. The governors agree priorities for spending within the SEND budget, acting on information from the SENCo and Headteacher to ensure support is in place for the range of needs in school. Governors regularly monitor, review and update all related policies.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs and what are the school’s approaches to differentiation?
All work and activities are designed to be at the appropriate level through ongoing observation and assessment. Opportunities are included to provide interest, success and challenge at all levels. Children take part in a wide range of activities using interactive and kinaesthetic skills with regard given to the characteristics of effective learning. Consideration is given to children’s strengths, weaknesses and preferred learning styles. Children are given opportunities to access similar learning tasks to others with sensitive adjustments and differences appropriate to meet the child’s needs.
How is the decision made about what type of and how much support my child will receive?
- We discuss pupil progress at senior leadership meetings half termly
- We discuss difficulties and possible pathways of support with parents
- We regularly liaise with and request advice from a variety of educational and health professionals
- We act on advice from professional agencies
- We use our knowledge of the child and plan support in year group teams
- We organise access arrangements for public or national tests with advice from professionals
- We maintain records of additional support and review these at least three times a year or more frequently as needed
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning? What opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child’s progress?
- The school holds parents’ evenings each term for all children in their class
- Parents receive an annual report at the end of the Summer Term written by the class teacher
- Parents and school will receive written reports and advice from professional external agencies
- You will meet with the class teacher to review progress and plan next steps
- We offer an open door policy where you are welcome to make an additional appointment with the class teacher or the SENCo when needed
- You are informed of and are invited into school to meet with visiting professionals or the SENCo may phone you with information
- We share programmes and activities with you and provide ideas and resources for you to practise at home with your child
- We record your child’s targets and activities on an individual education or behaviour plan with child participation at an appropriate level
- We take account of the child’s view at an appropriate level
- Parents have a copy of all targets and plans
How does the school know how well my child is doing?
As a school we measure children’s progress in learning against national expectations and age related expectations. Class teachers continually assess all children’s progress and attainment and will measure children with additional needs through small steps on the individual plans. All teachers meet with senior leaders, including the SENCo, to review pupil progress each half term. Further analysis and review is then carried out to make adjustments or changes to interventions.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the children with Special Education Needs?
We ensure that all children in our school have their needs met in the first instance through Quality First Teaching. In addition, we deliver a range of intervention programmes, individually or in groups, according to the child’s level and area of need. Additional resources and Learning Support Assistant time is allocated from the school and SEND budget and further funding from county may be sought for more complex needs. This is through the EHCP application.
We offer a wide range of support and are continually updating staff knowledge to meet new needs. Support may be delivered by Teachers, Learning Support Assistants, Special Needs Assistants or visiting professionals who model and train our staff.
Support can include
- Infant Language Links (assessment and intervention)Language Development Groups or individual Speech and Language Therapy Programmes
- Gross and Fine Motor Skill activities or individual Occupational Therapy Programmes
- Specific Learning Difficulty programmes
- Precision Teaching to support a wide range of learning needs
- Maths Support Programmes
- Emotional Literacy Support – ELSA or individual behaviour management strategies
- Individual adjustments to meet a child’s specific needs
How is the decision made about what type and what level of support my child will receive?
The child’s class teacher alongside the SENCo will discuss the child’s needs, the rate of progress and the level of attainment. Discussion will take place about the support in place and alternative support if needed. Parents are included in discussions or they are informed about the required support and are then invited to regular review meetings.
Different children require different levels of support to narrow the gap and achieve age related expectations at different times. This is monitored through a graduated response to need. Half-termly pupil progress meetings with class teachers, SENCo and Headteacher review progress and attainment and plan further adjustments to support when needed in consultation with governors. Evidence can be submitted to County to document a complex level of need through the EHCP process. School acts on advice from professionals and a range of advisory services.
Graduated Response Approach to SEND Support:
We monitor the progress of all children in our school through termly Pupil Progress meetings with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team and regular year group and teacher assessment. The graduated response process to Identify, Assess, Plan and Review will be applied from there being an initial cause for concern through to a child needing SEND Support and the child would be recorded on the school SEND Register at this stage.
How will I be involved in discussions and planning for my child’s education?
We work in partnership with parents at all times to support each child’s well-being, learning needs and progress in all areas of development. Parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education and welfare through
- Formal and informal discussions with class teachers
- Meetings and discussions with the SENCo
- Invitations to speak to or meet with visiting professionals / Questionnaires from school at different times of the year
- Open door policy where possible to enable you to communicate or ask about any aspect of your child’s school life
What are the different levels of support my child my receive?
Universal Level of Support All children are assessed throughout the school year by their class teacher, to ensure the teaching and learning is pitched correctly to every child. Quality first teaching is in place, where adaptions are made to suit the diverse needs of all learners through thoughtful use of daily assessment, teaching and task design. This ensures the best possible progress and outcomes for all of our learners.
Early Identification Some children, will be making less progress than we would expect. Children are identified under the internal school category of Early Identification of SEND if they do not make adequate progress and they are beginning to access a range of adjustments and interventions alongside personalised teaching. We record liaison, intervention strategies and all responses to need which have been put in place. We informally seek advice and liaise with professionals as appropriate. Information is shared with parents and carers at all stages.
SEND Support When a child’s needs continue over time or the attainment gap increases we apply county criteria to determine this increased level of need in one or more of the areas. This criterion is kept updated by staff working with the child in liaison with the SENCo. The class teacher will remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and for planning the individualised or group programme. Children in the SEND Support category will have the agreed targets and outcomes recorded on an individual education plan (IEP). This plan is reviewed at least termly by the class teacher, support staff, the SENCo and the parents. The SENCo will liaise with the class teacher to plan future school interventions for the child, monitor the rate of progress and review the action. The SENCo and class teacher, in consultation with parents, will ask for help from external services and will be provided with advice, assessment and support as needed. The school may document the child’s provision to support their need through an Inclusion Partnership Agreement at a time of transition between year groups or at a key stage change.
If a child’s needs are not met by the SEND Support category, and the children meets the criteria for an EHCP, then with parent consultation, professional advice and the gathering of evidence over time, an application for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be made to county. |
Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) If an application for an Education, Health and Care Plan is successful, the governors will be legally responsible for ensuring that the provision is used effectively. The class teacher will continue to be responsible for working with the child and managing support staff and resources on a daily basis. The SENCo will be responsible for co-ordinating, monitoring and reviewing the child’s progress through termly reviews and the annual review process. Further reviews can be called if necessary.
How do we know if the support has had an impact?
- Progress is continually reviewed through the Individual Education or Behaviour Plan with information gathered formally and informally though observation and assessment
- Feedback and information from parents is included in reviews
- Formal assessment is undertaken by professional agencies
- Ongoing dialogue between all adults and the child
- A reduced level of need recorded on the school SEND register
- Half termly pupil progress meetings with class teachers and senior staff
- End of Key Stage data e.g. Early Years Foundation or Stage Key Stage 1
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in the school?
As an inclusive school we welcome and celebrate diversity. We have a caring and understanding team with the class teacher having overall responsibility for the pastoral, medical and social care of every child in their class. In addition further support may be offered from the
- ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
- Family Links School Service
- Support staff and Office staff with additional medical training
- School Nurse Team and liaison with health professionals
- The Head or Deputy Head / SENCo
- Primary Behaviour Support Services
- Health and Children’s Services
- Heathfield Outreach Support
How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
The school has a policy regarding the administration and management of medicines. Only prescribed medicines will be given and these must be registered at the school office. All medicines are administered by office staff. The school produces a photographic directory of all children with medical conditions and a care plan is written to document information where needed. All school staff have this information.
Staff undertake regular training on specific medical conditions e.g. the use of inhalers and Epipens.
See Administrations of Medicines and First Aid policy
What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusion and increasing attendance?
The school has its own code of conduct called the Sarisbury Charter which encourages a positive approach to managing self-control and behaviour. If a child has significant or challenging difficulties, the class teacher will have regularly liaised with the parents and put specific incentives and strategies in place. An Individual Behaviour Management Plan (IBMP) will be developed to monitor progress, analyse incidents and record adjustments to the curriculum or environment. The SENCo will liaise and advise class staff and further advice may be sought from Educational Psychology or Primary Behaviour Support Services. The school and professional services will make every effort to reduce the risk of exclusion. A reduced timetable maybe used to support daily success, with consent of the parent and ongoing liaison with professionals. The intention would always be to build a child back up to a full-time timetable as soon as possible. Attendance and punctuality of every child is recorded by the administration team and reported to the Headteacher. Parents are made aware of the importance of a high level of attendance and punctuality, and are supported through regular liaison and advice from the school if needed.
How will my child be able to contribute their views?
We value and respect the right for all children to express and contribute their views. Children have opportunities to talk through their individual targets with class staff and they take part in circle time activities to share ideas and solve problems. Children and their parents are included in conversations to develop individual motivating incentives and children contribute to more formal documents with photographs and recorded responses at an appropriate level. We have a Voice of the Crew Team which collects ideas from the children and classes to develop activities from child-centred interests. Copies of learning and behaviour plans are sent home and children and parents are encouraged to talk through these with feedback to school. Children contribute to all parts of school life and have responsibilities in classes and across the school. E.g. class captains, library monitors, play leaders.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
As a school we welcome and work closely with any external agency which is able to support the individual child’s needs. We liaise, meet and consult with a range of Education and Health professionals. This includes Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teacher Advisers, Behaviour Support Services, Paediatricians, School Nurse, Occupational and Physiotherapy Services, Speech and Language Therapists and Children’s Services Teams associated with the Locality Team. We also liaise with and act on private professional advice.
What current or future training have staff undertaken who are supporting children with SEND?
School staff have specific skills and attend a wide range of training to support individual and group needs. Any future training will be arranged by the SENCo or senior management team and information will be shared with other staff.
- The SENCo attends regular meetings led by the Educational Psychology team.
- We have two members of the support staff trained as ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) who receives regular supervision and training from the Educational Psychology team
- Specific support staff have experience and expertise in delivering Speech and Language support programmes with support from the Speech and Language Therapy team
- Specific support staff and teachers have attended training on Precision Teaching
- Specific training has been given by Primary Behaviour Support Services
- Educational Psychology provide a range of training to school staff each year to support a wide range of learning
- Advisory teachers train staff and work in school e.g. Visual Impairment and Hearing Impairment
- Advice and strategies and shared from home or previous settings
- A risk analysis may be undertaken
- Training is continually reviewed and planned for whole teams and individual staff in order to meet changing individual or group needs.
How will my child be included an activities outside the classroom including school trips?
All children are included in all areas of the curriculum with reasonable adjustments being made as appropriate. In consultation with parents and professionals we include children in school trips and other out of school activities with the appropriate level of support.
A risk assessment is made prior to off-site activities to consider health and safety concerns and if the activity was considered too great a risk another opportunity would be offered where possible. Parents would be included in these decisions at all times.
How accessible is the school environment?
- The school is wheelchair accessible, with ramps, to almost every classroom
- The school has an accessible toilet
- There is a process for disabled access into school to enable disabled parking through contact with the school office
- The school requests support from EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Support Services) to assist with language or cultural diversities
- The school office has a hearing loop
- Personal risk assessments are undertaken when necessary
See Accessibility Plan
What steps should I take if I have a concern about the school’s SEND provision?
Parents should raise and discuss initial concerns with the child’s class teacher. If further information or discussion is needed then the SENCo can be contacted through the school office. The Headteacher or other members of the senior management team may also be contacted through the school office. Complaints may also be referred to the governors. If there is further cause for concern or complaint please see the complaints policy.
See Complaints Policy
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining the school and transferring to a new school?
We have an extensive starters programme for children joining the school in Year R which includes
- Parent information talks
- Taster sessions for parents and their children in school
- School staff liaising, visiting and gathering information from pre-school, nursery or childminder settings
- Pre-school visits to school
- Transition afternoon
- Home visits by school staff
When a child joins the school during the year the parents and children are invited to visit their new class prior to their start and information is gathered from the previous school.
If a child leaves our school during the year we will liaise with the new school and provide information and records.
Transition meetings take place between year group staff and individual transition meetings may be arranged.
We have an extensive transition programme in place for transfer to Key Stage 2 (principally to Sarisbury Junior School) which includes visits and activities and information evenings for parents throughout Year 2.
- If a child has significant needs then a transition meeting, a Transition Partnership Agreement (TPA) meeting or an Annual Review of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) meeting will take place or between the two settings to which parents and professional are invited
- An individual Social Story might be put in place to help them become familiar with new staff and the new environment
Who will I contact for further information?
- The child’s class teacher or the Learning Support Assistant working with your child
- The SENCo and Deputy Headteacher or the Headteacher
- A professional agency involved with your child
- See the School SEND Policy and Hampshire Education Authority website see Local Offer
- IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice)
- Impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support (SENDIASS) in Hampshire - https://www.hampshiresendiass.co.uk/
Who should I contact if I am considering whether my child should join the school?
Please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the SENCo or Headteacher who would be pleased to discuss how the school may meet your child’s needs.
01489 573800 adminoffice@sarisbury-inf.hants.sch.uk