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Sarisbury Infant School

Sailing the Seas to Success

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Sarisbury Infant School



At Sarisbury we want to develop excellent geographers who are curious about the world around them and the people within it. We want to equip our children with both the knowledge and the skills required to understand, enjoy and respect the world they live in.


At Sarisbury we follow the National Curriculum guidance for Geography to ensure that all children;


  • develop locational and place knowledge .
  • understand the basic vocabulary relating to human and physical geography.              
  • begin to use geographical skills.


Geography at Sarisbury is usually taught through a topic based approach although sometimes it is taught explicitly as a whole school theme week or as a specific block.


In Year R the children at Sarisbury are encouraged to explore their immediate environment, considering similarities and differences. They produce pictorial maps to record familiar and imaginary journeys.


In Year 1 the children study the map of the UK, identifying the different countries. Children work with maps, Google Earth and the globe to locate familiar countries and some non – European ones. They begin to make comparisons between their own location and that of a non- European one. They start to use the vocabulary connected to human and physical features. In their mapping skills, children move onto considering the concept of an aerial view.


In Year 2 the children progress onto naming and locating the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world. They identify human and physical features in the environment. They compare and contrast a local area with a non – European country, thinking about many aspects such as climate, landscape and cultures. They begin to consider environmental factors such as global warming. Children move onto using a key in their map making work.




We love Geography at Sarisbury!

Year R enjoy their regular Welly Walks and have been busy making some maps to show their journey to school.

Year 1 love to explore their local area and have been out and about on walks to the shops and Holly Hill.

Year 2 have been very busy thinking about global warming, carrying out traffic surveys, following their own maps to the Junior School and exploring their local area.